Tuesday 26 July 2016

Buhari's Evil Plot Against Christians Exposed

Editor’s note: Ishaku Abdul’rahman Mohammed, a

man who converted to Christianity, writes open letter

to Christians. The author calls them “senseless” and

advises not to be lured with to change their religion.

In the first letter the author narrates about the ways

of Islamisation agenda in Nigeria. In the second parts

he explains, with Islamic teachings why Muhammadu

Buhari is making some of his moves without caring

about the feelings and sensibilities of Christians in


President Buhari

 How Christians themselves will be used by Muslims

to Islamize Nigeria:

Ishaku Abdul’rahman Mohammed now a Christian

wrote this letter to the senseless Christians to begin

to use their brains. From what I see today in Nigeria I

am very certain that Muslims would not need to use a

violent jihad to Islamize Nigeria. Christians

themselves will be used by Muslims to Islamize

Nigeria. Afterwards the Muslims will turn against the

Christians that helped them. These are the type

Muslims call the useful idiots.

Just ask yourself how Muslim nations became Islamic

nations? Is there any record of them doing

evangelical work? Did they tell people about how

wonderful their prophet Mohammed is? How he raped

women? How he beheaded nine hundred Jews in one

day? How he had sex with a nine-year old girl? How

he was demon possessed for one year? How he could

not perform a miracle? How he is a prophet without a

prophecy? How he sold slaves for weapons of war?

If Muslims did not do evangelism how come there are

58 nations of the world who say they are Islamic

countries? Including countries that used to be

Christian countries.

Many Christians will be lured with money to change

to Muslim and by boyfriend girlfriend and inter

marriage. Remember, the project is being sponsored

by Saudi Arabia and Nigeria government therefore;

money to convert Christians to Muslim will not be a

problem. Please don’t tell me you can never be lured

with money.

Ways to Islamize Nigeria:

– Buhari just registered Nigeria in the Islamic

coalition against terrorism led by Saudi Arabia.

– The first major conference Buhari would bring to

Nigeria is the International Islamic Conference

– Muslims are now using El Rufai Kaduna state as a

test case to see how they can stop Christians from

preaching the gospel not even for you to listen to a

gospel message in your car. Who knows they may

even ban gospel music.

– Other northern states are copying Mr El Rufai’s law.

– Fulani herdsmen are sacking Christian villages in

the north.

– The only minister to have died under Buhari

happens to be a Christian

– The only minister to have died under Buhari

happens to be a Christian

How I converted to Christianity:

I used to be a Muslim but now a Christian. I have

been in hiding because anyone born a Muslim and

converts to Christianity has a death sentence on his

head. It is even worse now that they know I have

decided to reveal their hidden agenda to the Nigerian

Christians who stupidly voted Buhari.

So much has happened since my last letter and God

willing, I will continue to educate you as things

unfold. Please pray for me because the forces of

darkness are arrayed against me for telling the truth.

And if you ever hear that I get killed don’t weep for

me. Just know I have finished my race and am with

the Lord Jesus. The same Jesus I rejected all my life

as Muslim. The same Jesus I called a prophet of Allah

who is a little lower that the false prophet

Mohammed. To Jesus alone to be all the praise, glory

and honor for saving me from the satanic cult called

Islam. I now worship this same Jesus and will do so

till am expire.

Muslims occupy a lot of high positions in PMB


Have you noticed that whenever any Christian,

occupying a high position in any government agency

is removed only Muslims get to replace him or her?

200 military officers were retired recently and guess

what? They were either southerners or Northern

Christians. As far as the northern Muslim is

concerned, if you are a southerner you are a

Christian. And being a Christian means you are the

worst creatures of Allah. Now you may ask why that is


That was how Mecca fell to Islam:

I want to advice Niger Delta never to disarm. There is

what we call in Islam, the treaty of hudaibiya. This is

the peace agreement that their prophet, Mohammed

had with the meccans. The peace treaty was to last

for ten years but Mohammed, seeing that the

meccans had relaxed, launched a military campaign

two years into the peace treaty and that was how

Mecca fell to Islam.

This was Yar A’dua’s plan when he gave the militants

amnesty. Had he lived longer the amnesty would have

been stopped. Buhari actually thought that the

militants had fully disarmed hence he stopped the

amnesty. I guess Jonathan by the leading of the Lord

empowered them even more militarily before he left.

Mohammed said war is deception.

The GMD of NNPC Mr Kachikwu was just relieved of

his position and guess who replaced him? Another

Muslim. Now they have started instituting corruption

charges against him. One down more to go. Soon

Amaechi will go too. Almost every Christian is out of

government. All the military chiefs are Muslims.

Custom, immigration etc are all headed by Muslims


Yet my fellow senseless Christians still cannot see

what is happening. Did you know that the new IG of

police is also a Muslim? Do you know how many

senior officers were retired just to pave the way for

the new IG? Guess the first thing he did? Accused the

former IG of stealing 24 police vehicles. Thank God

that alarm was proven false but they never give up.

They must find some frivolous charges against him.

Just wait and see.

Buhari made huge promises that got people ecstatic:

Talking about a Christian president. Do you know that

in Islam it is forbidden for a Christian to hold a

position of authority over Muslims? Since they could

not deny the achievements of our Christian ex-

president Dr Goodluck Jonathan they spun a huge

propaganda around corruption. He was vilified as the

most corrupt president Nigeria ever had. The press

had a field day reporting monumental corruption

under Jonathan. They knew the only way they could

get the attention of the Nigerian is to mention

corruption and we all fell for the deception hook, line

and sinker. I will be naive to say there was no

corruption under GEJ. No government in the world

can claim to be corruption free. Yet it was made to

look like Jonathan had stolen the wealth of the nation

and crippled the economy. Buhari made huge

promises that got people ecstatic. He was seen as the

Messiah. Nigerians refused to see the economic

growth under GEJ.

Even when Nigeria was rated as the third and first

fastest growing economy in the world and Africa no

one paid any heed to it. Nigeria became the number

one investment destination in Africa yet it seemed

like it was all fairy tale. Today, just one year after GEJ

we are no longer in the list of growing economies of

the world. The effects are everywhere. The Nigerian

economy is almost grounding to a halt. And guess

what? They have now spun propaganda that what we

are experiencing now is the effect of the misrule of

GEJ. Again, Christians are buying this crap and

swallowing it like a hot plate of delicious food. Eight

months into the Buhari regime, the bureau of

national statistics releases a report that over 4.5

million Nigerians have lost their jobs under Buhari.

Time will fail me to expatiate.

Christians, Muslims and corruption:

Have you noticed how Christians and Muslims are

treated when it comes to corruption cases? They go

to the media to convict people of corruption and

when they eventually take them to court and the

court gives a verdict they don’t like the disobey the

court order. Mr Fani Kayode was in detention for over

sixty days. You were told that it was because of

corruption. How many Muslims have been so treated?

As far as I know. Only Dasuki is getting that treatment

but again that is understandable. It was Dasuki, then

a very junior officer that arrested Buhari during the

Babangida coup that overthrew Buhari in 1983.

Muslims don’t forgive. The god of Islam requires

Muslims to take vengeance unlike our God that says

vengeance is mine.

The most unfortunate part of this is that we

Christians use our values to judge Muslims yet we

know absolutely nothing about their values. We don’t

know anything about the tenets of that religion.

Mohammed was a very vengeful person. He killed all

those who made fun of him. Even those who

criticized him. That is why Buhari cannot stand


Source: Naij

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